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Now, Press And Discover How To Target Your First
 100% Gain Using Lance’s Top Performing Strategy

In February 2020, I started publishing my TOP two options trades per week.

Fast forward to today and I’ve published 630 trade alerts with an accuracy rate of 71%....

Our top alerts from this year include

  • A 135% overnight winner on McCormick
  • A 185% overnight winner on J-Frog
  • A 245% overnight winner on Dell
  • ​A 387% overnight winner on Fortinet

And today I’d like to offer you a chance to receive my next options trade alert at a steep discount. 

I’ve Helped Countless Traders Capture
 Their First Triple Digit Return! 

And I think I can help you, too!

Now, of course, no one has a crystal ball.

In trading, there can be big wins, little wins, and even losses…

But so far, we’ve won way more trades than we’ve lost…

And keep in mind, these are not backtested results.

These are real trade alerts based on my proprietary options strategy.

Here is what a few of our top members have had to say.
“Using your system I was up 100% in 24 hours. Together with your CMG and AVGO alerts I was up $3,225 in the last two days.”

“I did that trade!!! Only got 400% increase…Still very happy”

“Just want to throw you a quick vote of praise. I am new to trading and like the option strategy. Your style/approach and overall experience is giving me some new insight into my everyday living.”

​“My 5 trades in percentages were 49%, 236%, 9%, 28%, and 20%” 

​“I've had lifetime for months, and I'm convinced it's the best investment I've made”

​“Lance, made 108.33% on my UBER calls today”
And today, I want to offer you a chance to start receiving these same trade alerts.

It’s all a part of a special initiative called “Shadow Trader”

And truthfully, your timing couldn’t be better…

You see, we closed a 110% gain on stock ticker CVS…

To put that in perspective.

Just $500 into this one would’ve turned into $1,050 overnight…

But don’t fret, I have a brand-new trade alert going out very soon.

If you’d like the details, I’d love to share them with you too!

In fact, I’d like to make you a special offer right now…

You see, the normal membership cost for Shadow Trader is $1,497…

Almost all of our current members have paid that price to join…

But since you took action with on my options trading ebook today…

I’m going to offer you a spot in the Shadow Trader program for the next 30 days…

Except you won’t have to pay $1,497 like everyone else…

You’ll get to experience the power behind these alerts for just $97 today…

That’s a 93% discount off the normal price!

Over the next 30 days, you can expect at least two alerts per week.

You’ll be notified, via text and email!

If you want to upgrade to the full package at any time, I’ll credit this cost against your membership fee.

On the other hand, if you don’t love it during your 30-day trial run…

Give our team a call and we’ll refund every penny of the subscription cost.

I want this to be a no-brainer move for you…

So, if you’d like to receive my next Shadow Trade Alert, click the button below to get started.
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And Stay Up To Date With Critical Market News.

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We emphasize that Investment in the securities of smaller companies can involve greater risk than is generally associated with investment in larger, more established companies, and can result in significant capital losses that may have a detrimental effect on the value of your investments. 

Forecasting represents predictions of market prices and/or volume patterns utilizing varying analytical data. It is not representative of a projection of the stock market, or of any specific investment. 

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Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any structuring of a portfolio of investments, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns. 

The information, analysis and opinions expressed herein are for general, impersonal information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual entity.

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